Postings curated from movies, books and articles.
Littlejohn – A short novel 5.27.24
A Review of "Littlejohn" - A Novel
Review of Aaron Sorkin’s adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird 2.21.24
Please go see Aaron Sorkin's stage adaptation of "To Kill a Mockingbird". And here is why. Playing at a theatre near you!
EJ and JC – 1.5.24 – Bag of Mandarins Revisited
After writing a letter to my grandson James about surrounding yourself with good people, my favorite blogger wrote about the same thing several days later. Enjoy
A Beloved Book – A Review of The Boys In The Boat 12.12.23
Here is a review of "The Boys In The Boat", a book that I would highly recommend. As George Clooney says, "It is a feel good story. And the world needs a feel good story right now."
A Review – Two different, but lyrical albums. 11.17.23
I recommend listening to these two exceptional albums. The lyrics are so powerful. This is what music should be.
Comfort Watching versus Empathy Watching
The following paper, written by Carter Franklin, discusses how greater access to film and entertainment may not be as liberating as we might think. And, by the way, please check out his podcast. But it also caused me to think more universally about how we “consume” information and how that shapes our world view. I usually do not solicit comments on my posts. However, this is an exception. How would you answer some of the questions posed below? Refections on Movies by S. Carter Franklin Imagine this scenario: you are by yourself or with your significant other on a Sunday evening with nothing to do and decide that you want…
What makes a family 8.22.23
A wonderful article on what makes a family from "Faith and Leadership" and a poem about human connection.
Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero With a Thousand Faces”
A summary of "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" This is such a powerful and ubiquitous concept that I thought I would summarize the 12 steps of the hero’s journey. Do not read the book yourself unless you are ready for some very dense reading.
Review of “The Book of Joy “ 2.27.23
One of my book clubs recently decided to read “The Book of Joy – Lasting Happiness In A Changing World.” Written by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the book attempts to answer the question: How do we find joy in the face of life’s inevitable suffering? After identifying many obstacles to joy, including fear, stress, anger, grief, illness and death, the authors make the argument that the ultimate source of joy is within each of us. What do the authors mean by this? One could mistakenly interpret their statement that we should focus on ourselves to create happiness and joy. They make it very clear that paradoxically, if…
Discussing “From Strength to Strength” by Arthur Brooks
A Discussion of Arthur Brooks' Book "From Strength to Strength - helping people find greater happiness as they age and change. Given at Christ Church Episcopal.