Farm,  Musings

T.C. turns 84 years old 11.7.20

Yesterday, my father-in-law, T.C. Dickerson turned eighty-four years old. And it was a great day. T.C.’s health has not been the best for the past four years. Three years ago, he had to leave our oldest son’s wedding reception early, and two years ago, was not able to attend our middle son’s wedding. 

Lizzy getting ready for T.C.’s arrival

At the beginning of COVID, the retirement community where he and his wife Sarah reside had to shut down.  And I was not able to see them until a few weeks ago when it reopened.  So, the thought of Sarah and T.C. actually making a trip to our farm, which neither had seen, seemed out of the question.  However, with T.C.’s birthday coming up, we floated the idea to Elizabeth’s brother Jim, and after thinking about it, he agreed to pick them up and drive them out to our farm on T.C.’s birthday.  Jim is a saint, not only because he was willing to do this, but he has been a great brother to Elizabeth in forming a wonderful team in dealing with a myriad of issues as their parents continue to age.

The Birthday Boy and his beautiful bride

The weather cooperated and we were given a bright sunny autumn day with the temperature expected to reach the mid-70’s.  When Jim, Sarah and T.C. arrived, their grandsons Carter and Jack, Jack’s wife Olivia, and Elizabeth and I were waiting for them.  Because Olivia’s brother Chris and his girlfriend were camping on the farm, they attended the celebration as well. 

BBQ Exchange Buffet
A physical distancing picnic

With good food from BBQ Exchange, followed by Barboursville Vineyard sparkling wine and chocolate cake, we ate our fill.  After more time enjoying the outdoors and a giving T.C. a quick tour of the farm on our “four-wheel drive mule,” Jim chauffeured Sarah and T.C. back to Charlottesville.  Later that evening, Jim returned to the farm for a spot of Bourbon fireside.

T.C. enjoying his ride in The Mule

While on our walk this morning T.C. called us to tell us how much he enjoyed his 84th Birthday celebration.  My father-in-law is a good man.  When I think of him, the following words come to mind: integrity, deliberate, trusting, gracious, Boy Scouts, educator, books, history, Virginia Tech, Bourbon and chocolate.  I am sure that after I write this, a word will occur to me that should have made this list.  One word that will not be left off of this list is “welcoming.” T.C. welcomed me when I started dating his daughter and he has been welcoming me ever since.  T.C. has always treated me like his own son, and for that, I am forever grateful. Happy Birthday to a wonderful person.

Sunset over the Farm Pond
Bourbon just seems to go with this setting