
Becoming a Grandpa

On Sunday, September 20th at 8:40 a.m. James Crawford Donovan Franklin entered into this world and I became a grandpa. Born two weeks early, he was on the light side at 6 pounds and 2 ounces, but was healthy with a full set of lungs!

From one generation to the next

Elizabeth and I leave for Boston tomorrow and will hold and cuddle sweet baby James for the first time. The journey for Bridget and Davis to parenthood has been long. They have been through a lot to become parents, which makes James’ arrival even more special.

Sweet Baby James

I do not know how I will feel tomorrow when I hold James for the first time in my arms, but I know it will be powerful. When Elizabeth and I found out that she was pregnant with Davis, I was scared. For many reasons related to my own childhood, I did not know if I was ready to be a father. And although far from perfect, I did ok with our three sons.

Very Proud Parents
Big Sister Oden checking out little brother

So, this feels different. First, I have parented three boys and I realize that it’s not rocket science. It just takes a lot of work. Second, I am not the dad with all of its related responsibilities – I am just the granddaddy. That means that my only responsibility is to just love James – and eventually, to have long philosophical discussions about everything that he is curious about.

He is an adorable chap

I do know this. James was born into two wonderful families who will encourage him, love him, and challenge him. And my hope is that he grows up to be as confident and compassionate as his father.

Like Father like Son


  • Mary Smith

    I’m beyond happy for you and Elizabeth on the birth of this precious baby boy. All I can tell you is that I have never experienced such pure joy as when I have held each one of my 9 grandchildren for the first time.

    You are an amazing Father and you will be an amazing Grandfather, too. There is no doubt about that.

  • Linda Jones

    So happy for all of you! Being a grandparent is wonderful! Congratulations to everyone! James is such a cute baby!

  • James Friend Dickerson

    Y’all are gonna love being Grandpa John and Gandma Lizzy! Your boys are blessed to have y’all as parents. Thanks for sharing your family with us. We’re looking forward to your journey as grandparents.

  • Judy

    So very happy for you and Elizabeth. I don’t know who is luckier, you and Elizabeth for having a new little grandson, or your grandson for having you as grandparents!

    Safe journey to Boston and enjoy that very special moment of your first time holding him. 😘