A COVID Wedding
When the pandemic began back in February/March, a lot of activities, events and special celebrations were either cancelled or postponed. One of those special events that got postponed was a wedding we were supposed to attend back in April. Back in March, when the new date was announced – September 25th, we were hopeful that COVID-19 would be in our rearview mirror. Obviously, that did not happen.
So, as September 25th approached, Ann and John Kent, the mother and father of the bride, had a difficult decision to make. Postpone again, downsize the invitee list, make it virtual, totally cancel, or move forward as planned – while taking precautions. They decided on the last option. Selfishly, I am so glad they did.

I think John and Ann did the right thing. We cannot let COVID-19 stop us from living and celebrating the important moments in our lives. Although there may be a lot we still do not know about this pandemic, there are a few things we do know. It is very contagious. However, it seems to be spread most easily by droplets that we exhale. Therefore, wearing a mask, being outdoors, maintaining certain distances from each other, and keeping our hands clean seem to be effective measures to counter the contagion.

This COVID wedding will be a wedding I will never forget. I know that I was fortunate to be able to attend a wedding during these unprecedented times. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, many couples and their parents have had to choose one of the other options.

I have researched and written much on the issue of social isolation and loneliness and its impact on health, happiness and longevity. Three white papers can be found at https://www.pearlcreekadvisors.com/pearl-creek-white-papers.

The pandemic has only highlighted the importance of social connection to our well-being. Every major newspaper and periodical has reported on this during the past six months – even National Geographic!
In separate Wall Street Journal and NYT articles, both quoted medical experts that said the social isolation that many residents of nursing homes and retirement communities are experiencing may end up being worse than the pandemic itself.
For those of us who were able to attend, to social connect, and to see friends we had not seen for many months, it was true therapy.
Thanks Ann and John for staying the course.