
Five Steps to Getting Through Winter 5.1.20

First, the Basics

  1. Clean up after yourself including making your bed
  2. Maintain regular personal hygiene, including shaving your face, your legs or both!
  3. Keep a daily routine, even a simple one
  4. Stay on a regular sleeping and eating schedule
  5. Finally, accomplish at least one thing each day

Second, Create “Time” for the Good Stuff

  1. Limit time on Social Media
  2. Limit TV screen time 
  3. Limit negative media to one or two times a week
  4. Avoid surfing internet purchase sites
  5. Remember that things do not create joy

Third, Fill that Time with the Good StuffStart small, really small….

  1. Exercise each day. It sucks at first, but it works!
  2. Find ways to relax – Maybe yoga, devotionals or even jigsaw puzzles
  3. Read, and then read some more. And read some really FUN stuff!
  4. Write or journal for yourself or to friends

Fourth, Do the Great Stuff!

  1. Be kind to family and your pets
  2. Reach out to at least one friend each day
  3. DO something intentionally good for a person or a group
  4. Find creative ways to connect including technology

Fifth, Use this time to find or expand your purpose

  1. Create at least two weekly obligations
  2. Create projects for yourself by destroying, organizing or creating
  3. Learn or improve a USEFUL skill – like Cooking and Gardening – they are great
  4. Finally, learn or explore something new

Remember this – Even if you fail at first – and you will,

Before you know it, YOU are checking off your bucket list

By creating experiences and helping others. And in the process, Creating beautiful stories.

And creating our own stories is really what living is all about.…..