Review of Narcissist and Goldmund 4.18.22
A review of a novel by Herman Hesse.
The Final Four 4.8.2022
A letter to James describing the Highs and Lows of a UNC fan during the 2022 NCAA Tournament.
Basketball – The Game I Love 3.9.2022
A Letter and Poem written for my grandson James - inspired by a recent Duke/Carolina game and the 2014 ACC Basketball Tournament.
The Floating Dock 12.12.13
A poem inspired while swimming in the BVIs on a sailing trip with Elizabeth and two other couples.
The Walk 2.18.22
A discussion of what is happiness? Inspired during a long walk with my son.
Five Steps to Getting Through Winter 5.1.20
I found this post from May of 2020 - when we were really feeling the impact of the pandemic. I think the advice is still relevant today.
Importance of Social Connection 1.29.22
The link below will take you to a linkedIn article that I wrote on the importance of social connection that was shared by a firm for which I have much respect. https://loveandcompany.com/blog-post/3-ways-life-plan-communities-can-foster-genuine-social-connection/
Letter to James – Holiday Traditions 1.16.2022
A letter to James reflecting on his recent Christmas visit to Virginia and my favorite holiday tradition.
A Poem on Suffering
A Poem I decided to post after our first book club meeting discussing Kate Bower's new book "No Cure For Being Human"
Growing Up Too Fast 1.3.22
A musing on shame and why it does not work.