Letter to James – Seven in a Row 1.26.25
Reflections of our first weekend with our grandson.
A Worthy New Year’s Resolution 1.5.25
You never know where you will find your New Year's Resolution...
Letter to James 12.2.24 – Thanksgiving and Being Kind
A Thanksgiving letter to my grandson James on Empathy.
A Poem for Thanksgiving 11.28.24
The following is a poem written after spending time with three different couples while visiting Austin, Texas. When I think about the things I am thankful for, right behind family is good friends.
The 2024 Election Revisited – Some Perspective 11.15.24
I usually do not comment on politics, leaving it to others more qualified. However, this election cycle was so unique that I thought I would offer some perspective. So, grab a cup of coffee.....
An Autumn Walk with Emmy 10.20.24
A morning muse about living in the moment and gratitude.
Calgary, Ketchikan and Seattle 2024
Saturday, August 24th – Calgary, Alberta As with most of my Backroads trips, I try to add some days at the end or beginning of the trip to see more of the region – I started with Calgary. Calgary, my entry into and exit out of Canada on this trip, started out as a fort in 1875 to protect the fur trade and was named Fort Calgary in 1876 after Calgary on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. It officially became a city in 1884, with a population of 4,000. It is now the largest city in Alberta with approximately 1.4 million people, located just east of the Rocky Mountains. Known…
Canadian Rockies 2024
A brief writeup on my wonderful trip to the Canadian Rockies
Rocky Mountain Road Trip – Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana – July 2024
Our trip to the Rockies
Littlejohn – A short novel 5.27.24
A Review of "Littlejohn" - A Novel